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Children during Worship

Children of all ages are welcomed in our worship so that they may feel included in our family of faith.


Depending on each family's comfort level and need, we have several options for child care and enrichment programs:

Nursery (available during worship and Sunday School)

If you have an infant through 4-year-old, you'll be pleased to know that we have one of the cleanest, safest, most well-organized nurseries in our area. A nursery is available from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. covering all of our services and educational programs. Birth through age 2 are in the Infant Nursery (across from the office) and 2- and 3-year-olds are in Room 7.


Children's Bulletins and Worship Bags

We want your child to feel welcome in worship. Children's Bulletins, with a variety of activities, are offered in two age-levels, and worship bags contain crayons and Bible-themed coloring books to help kids engage with God's word.


Time for Young Disciples (approx. 20 minutes into service)

During this point in the service, children are invited to the front (parents welcome to accompany if needed) for a child-friendly lesson. This children's moment lasts no more than 10 minutes and is interactive, ending with a "pray after me prayer."


Children’s Church (9:45 a.m)

Children’s Church is an alternative to adult worship for our young children ages 4 - 1st Grade. After the children’s moment during the 9:45 a.m. worship service, children will be met and escorted by an adult leader at the Sanctuary doors to room 5. During this time children learn the order of worship and put meaning to giving praise to God in a worship setting.


Sunday School  (11 a.m.)

Sunday mornings offer an excellent opportunity for children to study God’s Word. The YorKids program is based on a "rotation model," and we offer classes beginning at age 2 and running through all ages. Learn more about children's Sunday school

Children's Moment
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