YPC Adult Ministry
We encourage you to find your niche here at Yorkminster—you will make new friends AND make a difference. Within our church, various groups organize adult activities ranging from spiritual to social.
There are many groups that meet regularly. If you are interested in groups with a spiritual focus, consider a small group or a Sunday school class. You can find the contacts for most of these groups right here on our website, or by calling the church office. Sit in on a session or two of the groups that sound interesting to determine whether the structure and focus are what you desire. We host women’s and men’s groups which combine devotions, outreach projects, and social activities. There are even some special interest groups, such as a prayer group and a quilter's club.
Music lovers will find a wealth of opportunities for involvement. Consider singing in the choir or chiming with the bell choir. Share your talents. If you are passionate about leadership, serve on a church committee that focuses on a topic of interest. If you're particularly compassionate, perhaps becoming a Stephen Minister would be perfect for you.
Please take the time to look over our opportunities. Participating in a church activity, beyond just attending worship services, will give you a chance to meet other church members and create special bonds.
Sunday Schedule
Coffee Fellowship – Before/After Worship
Traditional Service – 10:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday School – 9:00 a.m.
PreK-5th Sunday School – 10:30 a.m.