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A place to grow your faith



If you’re looking for a deep, Bible-centered theology and a community that lives out Christ’s commandments, Yorkminster Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) is a wonderful place to grow in your faith.


You will find a congregation of all ages and most walks of life. We take seriously our worship of God and Christ’s directive to love one another, and we work hard to nurture all in our midst. While we gather in this place for traditional worship and fellowship, our larger calling is to go out into the community following God’s call to be his witnesses in our daily lives.

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Coffee & Connections | Before/After Worship

Nursery | 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Adult Sunday School | 9:00 a.m.

Traditional Service | 10:30 a.m.

PreK-5th Sunday School | 10:30 a.m.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I expect on my first visit?
    We enlist all the traditional elements of worship—music, scripture, sermon, prayer—in an atmosphere that is inviting, welcoming and friendly. Our worship services are easy to follow, and we will never (no, never!) ask you to stand and identify yourself as a visitor. Our ushers will offer you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary. The bulletin guides you through the service with clear direction as to when to stand, sit, what to say and when to sing. Most hymns are sung from The Presbyterian Hymnal in your pew, but sometimes we use songs from outside the hymnal, which will be printed in your bulletin.
  • When and where are services on Sunday mornings? How do I get there?
    Yorkminster is conveniently located on Route 17 in the Grafton area of York County. Our 10:30 a.m. traditional service takes place in the main sanctuary. Our goal is to provide a meaningful, stress-free worship experience for you. You’ll be greeted at the door upon arriving. Our greeters are there to assist you, provide directions, and warmly welcome you. They can point you in the direction of anything you need.
  • Where should I park?
    As you pull into our parking lot, you'll find ample parking—including plenty of handicapped spaces.


Childcare is offered for infants and toddlers from 9 a.m. to noon on Sundays. Children in grades preK-5 are encouraged to attend Sunday School during worship where they grow in their faith, learn about worship and spend time with friends. Worship bags are available for children who want to attend worship with their parents.

While worship starts at 10:30 a.m., we encourage you to attend adult Sunday School at 9 a.m. and join us for coffee and connections in the Commons both before and after worship.
  • What should I expect on my first visit?
    We enlist all the traditional elements of worship—music, scripture, sermon, prayer—in an atmosphere that is inviting, welcoming and friendly. Our worship services are easy to follow, and we will never (no, never!) ask you to stand and identify yourself as a visitor. Our ushers will offer you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary. The bulletin guides you through the service with clear direction as to when to stand, sit, what to say and when to sing. Most hymns are sung from The Presbyterian Hymnal in your pew, but sometimes we use songs from outside the hymnal, which will be printed in your bulletin.
  • When and where are services on Sunday mornings? How do I get there?
    Yorkminster is conveniently located on Route 17 in the Grafton area of York County. Our 10:30 a.m. traditional service takes place in the main sanctuary. Our goal is to provide a meaningful, stress-free worship experience for you. You’ll be greeted at the door upon arriving. Our greeters are there to assist you, provide directions, and warmly welcome you. They can point you in the direction of anything you need.
  • Where should I park?
    As you pull into our parking lot, you'll find ample parking—including plenty of handicapped spaces.


Our worship at Yorkminster is traditional, featuring hymns led by our chancel choir and organ music. Each service follows a familiar rhythm with weekly prayers, scripture readings, and a sermon, all guided by a printed bulletin, and Presbyterian hymnal. While we stream services from the balcony, our sanctuary does not use screens, maintaining a classic worship atmosphere.


Yorkminster has opportunities for all ages and you don’t have to wait to be invited. Connections are made every Sunday with coffee and treats in the Commons. Attend Sunday School, join a Small Group, attend a women’s circle meeting or the monthly men’s breakfast, come to our periodic lunches and dinners.

  • What should I expect on my first visit?
    We enlist all the traditional elements of worship—music, scripture, sermon, prayer—in an atmosphere that is inviting, welcoming and friendly. Our worship services are easy to follow, and we will never (no, never!) ask you to stand and identify yourself as a visitor. Our ushers will offer you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary. The bulletin guides you through the service with clear direction as to when to stand, sit, what to say and when to sing. Most hymns are sung from The Presbyterian Hymnal in your pew, but sometimes we use songs from outside the hymnal, which will be printed in your bulletin.
  • When and where are services on Sunday mornings? How do I get there?
    Yorkminster is conveniently located on Route 17 in the Grafton area of York County. Our 10:30 a.m. traditional service takes place in the main sanctuary. Our goal is to provide a meaningful, stress-free worship experience for you. You’ll be greeted at the door upon arriving. Our greeters are there to assist you, provide directions, and warmly welcome you. They can point you in the direction of anything you need.
  • Where should I park?
    As you pull into our parking lot, you'll find ample parking—including plenty of handicapped spaces.
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