Supporting those in need
Yorkminster Presbyterian Church actively reaches out to serve both within our congregation and in the wider community.
Through our internal missions, such as the Giving Gardens and Deacons' Fund, we provide direct support to those in need. Additionally, we partner with many worthwhile local organizations, offering our time, talents, and financial resources to make a positive impact.

Serving Through Our Church
Giving & Pollinator Gardens
What should I expect on my first visit?We enlist all the traditional elements of worship—music, scripture, sermon, prayer—in an atmosphere that is inviting, welcoming and friendly. Our worship services are easy to follow, and we will never (no, never!) ask you to stand and identify yourself as a visitor. Our ushers will offer you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary. The bulletin guides you through the service with clear direction as to when to stand, sit, what to say and when to sing. Most hymns are sung from The Presbyterian Hymnal in your pew, but sometimes we use songs from outside the hymnal, which will be printed in your bulletin.
When and where are services on Sunday mornings? How do I get there?Yorkminster is conveniently located on Route 17 in the Grafton area of York County. Our 10:30 a.m. traditional service takes place in the main sanctuary. Our goal is to provide a meaningful, stress-free worship experience for you. You’ll be greeted at the door upon arriving. Our greeters are there to assist you, provide directions, and warmly welcome you. They can point you in the direction of anything you need.
Where should I park?As you pull into our parking lot, you'll find ample parking—including plenty of handicapped spaces.

For more than 50 years, the Deacon's Fund has ministered to people in need in York County and Poquoson. Typical expenditures include payments to utilities, rent, water or gas (not car) bills. One of four designated administrators, approved by the Session, is notified by the office and meets with the client to determine if we can help them. This fund is supported entirely by the members of Yorkminster Presbyterian Church. Contact the Yorkminster office at (757) 898-4972.​
Each December the congregation adopts several needy families whose names are furnished by York County schools. We purchase gifts (clothing and toys) specific to the family’s needs and canned goods. The wrapped gifts are all picked up or delivered before Christmas.
A tradition started over 30 years ago, a bare “mitten tree” is placed in the entrance to the church in October and November to be covered by donations of mittens, gloves, scarves, and hats. Most of them are handmade by members of the congregation. These items are then distributed amongst needy families in Hampton Roads with YPC coordinating with social services. For questions, please contact Patti Moore.
Pastor Laura led two missions to an area around Chimney Rock, N.C., devastated by Hurricane Helene. In October, she and Elder Judy Wiseman delivered relief supplies and spent several days sharing the love and generosity of our YPC Community. In December she returned with a larger crew, along with more supplies, to help clean up and winterize a small two room building to provide a safe and warm place for a family of five whose source of income literally washed away in the floods and whose temporary housing does not provide adequate heat or safety.

Supporting Our Community Partners
AA, Al-Anon, and Al-Ateen
We host these groups every Tuesday night at 8:00 pm. The contact person is Mic at (757) 660-4277.
Yorkminster sponsors blood drives throughout the year. These are manned by Local Outreach members.
Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. (Kairos) is a lay-led, interdenominational Christian ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ’s love and forgiveness to prisoners and their families. The Kairos programs take the participants on a journey that demonstrates the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Kairos Prison Ministry is Christian in nature, although no religious affiliation is necessary to be a participant. The programs involve a structured model that includes the weekend experience, followed by guests or participants gathering regularly for accountability, support, and prayer. YPC volunteers in many ways from baking and distributing cookies to teaching classes to being prayer partners working hands on with prisoners and their families. For questions please contact Vince Wisniewski

A faith-based free health ministry that has been operating in Lackey since 1995. The clinic seeks to build a bridge of healing and compassion to serve the physically, emotional and spiritual needs of the medically disadvantaged on the Peninsula. Contact: (757) 886-0608
LINK's services include an emergency services center, a food and clothing pantry, and a winter homeless shelter program. PORT offers a mentoring program, a life skills progam and a housing program (a new initiative assisting disabled clients with permanent housing). LINK's clients include infants and children, families, singles and elders, individuals with HIV/AIDS, the homeless, and the mentally and physically disabled.
York County Church Women United Food Closet
Members of the congregation bring in nonperishable food items for the food closet. These items are transported to the food closet each month. Members of the committee also purchase food from discount clubs such as Sam's Club or Costco and take it to the food closet. They are reimbursed for the food, but it provides the opportunity to purchase items at a discount.
Connecting You To Support
Avalon is committed to intervening in and reducing the incidence of domestic violence and sexual assault. In order to achieve this mission, Avalon offers shelter, advocacy, education, and support to survivors, and fosters awareness and prevention by educating the community. Contact: (757) 258-5022
Operated by the York County Volunteer Association, the Bargain Box is a thrift store on Dare Road that is open Monday through Saturday. Proceeds from store sales support scholarships for adult vocational, trade school and technical training, and assistance to needy individuals and families living in York County and Poquoson. Contact: (757) 898-8688
Meals on Wheels helps the elderly or disabled person recovering from recent hospitalization or illness. It provides home delivery of nutritious meals and improves the quality of life of those with limited ability to shop or cook. They are always looking for drivers. Contact: (757) 898-4252
Menchville House is an organization to heal hurting women and children. Women are offered a Christ centered , long term shelter, with resources to rebuild self esteem, live independent lives, and contribute to their community. Contact: (757) 874-3850
Provides pastoral counseling, divorce therapy, mediation and educational services to individuals, couples, and families. Services are provided by professionally certified counselors who are dually trained in psychology and theology. Contact: Rev. Rebecca "Becky" Glass (757) 873-2273
Wherever there is a need in Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Lower York County, Gloucester County, and Mathews County, the Salvation Army is there with mobile canteens, disaster and emergency assistance, adult and youth programs, seasonal assistance and worship. The Virginia Peninsula Corps is located at 1033 Big Bethel Road, Hampton. Contact: (757) 247-5465
Fueled by the Light of Christ and the dedicated support of partnering faith communities and other contributors, THRIVE Peninsula ministers to the physical, economic, educational, emotional and spiritual needs of our neighbors. Addressing both essential living needs (e.g., food, housing, utilities) and the unique crises affecting each person, this volunteer-driven coalition helps coordinate community resources for a tailored, integrated response. Contact (757) 877-6211
This Christian Community at Christopher Newport University provides a safe space to grow in faith, connecting students with community both on and off campus like at local churches. Contact (757) 594-7000