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Intentionally intergenerational




Yorkminster’s growing young children's ministry, “YORKritters,” focuses on involving children and families in all aspects of the church’s life:


  • Nurseries for infants and 2-4 year-olds during services, Adult Sunday School, and other special events

  • A half-day structured preschool for ages 2 1/2 to 5.

  • Vacation Bible School, festivals and special events throughout the year.

Wild Wednesday Group Pic.HEIC



Yorkminster’s growing children’s ministry, “YORKids,” focuses on involving children and families in all aspects of the church’s life.​​

Sunday School 

K-5 during worship | 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
This is an engaging time for elementary age students to grow in their faith, learn about worship and spend time with friends. Using the David Cook WonderInk Curriculum they walk through the entire Bible, forming connections to see how the Gospel defines their identity. For children in grades preK-5.


Wild Wednesdays

5:00 - 7:00 p..m | September - June

Children kindergarten through 5th grade will enjoy songs, dances, bible study, crafts, Children’s Chimes, Children’s Choir and dinner as they grow and develop their own personal relationship with God. For children in grades K-5.


Cheerful Chimers 

1st - 5th | 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. during Wild Wednesdays

Our Children’s Chimers are taught how to read music and make beautiful music as a team. It is a fun way to learn to ring! They play every other month at 10:30 worship and for special celebrations throughout the year. For children in grades 1-5.​


​​​Children’s Choir

K-5th | 6:15 - 7:00 p.m. during Wild Wednesdays

Children will make a joyful noise together learning how to read music and praise God. The Children’s Choir sings every other month during 10:30 worship and for special celebrations throughout the year.​Contact the church office at 757-898-4972 or for more information.


Cub Scouts
We are an active Pack of about 40 boys. We love to welcome new people to the Pack and hope you will find us a great fit for your family. More about Cub Scouts





  • What should I expect on my first visit?
    We enlist all the traditional elements of worship—music, scripture, sermon, prayer—in an atmosphere that is inviting, welcoming and friendly. Our worship services are easy to follow, and we will never (no, never!) ask you to stand and identify yourself as a visitor. Our ushers will offer you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary. The bulletin guides you through the service with clear direction as to when to stand, sit, what to say and when to sing. Most hymns are sung from The Presbyterian Hymnal in your pew, but sometimes we use songs from outside the hymnal, which will be printed in your bulletin.
  • When and where are services on Sunday mornings? How do I get there?
    Yorkminster is conveniently located on Route 17 in the Grafton area of York County. Our 10:30 a.m. traditional service takes place in the main sanctuary. Our goal is to provide a meaningful, stress-free worship experience for you. You’ll be greeted at the door upon arriving. Our greeters are there to assist you, provide directions, and warmly welcome you. They can point you in the direction of anything you need.
  • Where should I park?
    As you pull into our parking lot, you'll find ample parking—including plenty of handicapped spaces.
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Yorkminster offers a Youth Ministry that is focused on faithful fun and faithful service.

Youth Group​

Sundays 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Food, Fun, Faith & Friends!

Covenant Hall



  • End of Summer Pool Party

  • Yorktown Community Service Scavenger HuntWhite Water Rafting

  • Golf & Games Night @ Play a Round

  • Busch Gardens Christmas Town

  • Christmas Movie Night

  • Ski Trip 

  • Lenten Prayer Walk

  • Confirmation Class (February-May)

  • Youth Sunday

  • Sweet Frog Nights

  • Beach Clean Up and Cook Outs

  • Various mission trips & Youth Conferences


Want to know more?  Contact Dowler Wheat

Upcoming Family Ministries Events


Yorkminster Presbyterian Preschool is a half-day early childhood educational program serving children ages 2½ to 5.

Our play-centered curriculum offers children opportunities for intellectual, social and physical growth. Our preschool is not a daycare program. We are affiliated with and located within Yorkminster Presbyterian Church, where we accept and respect all children of any religion, race and ethnic background.


We strive to provide a learning environment that promotes exploration, warmth and community. Through weekly chapel children will learn that each child is loved by God and has worth and dignity, and will begin to develop responsibility and empathy for the world around them.

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