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Adult Sunday School

Sunday Morning Opportunities to Study God's Word

We have many classes for adults during the Sunday School hour (9:00 to 10:00 a.m.) that are offered on an ongoing basis. These classes rotate teachers and topics. Anyone is welcome to join any class at any time. The current classes and topics are:

Contemporary Class 

Topic: Romans  

The Apostle Paul had never visited Rome.  He wrote the Epistle of Romans to prepare them for his visit.  We do not have details of the initial teaching that Paul gave when he started a new congregation.  Where did he start?  What did he emphasize?  Bible students generally believe that the letter to the Romans is a concise and comprehensive statement of the teaching Paul would have offered in every new congregation.  During this study, we will look at familiar passages through a fresh set of eyes:  How did the new believers hear them?


This discussion-based class seeks to apply the truth of Scripture to the questions and issues of todays world.  Members include men and women and welcomes all ages.


Meeting in Room 18 and on Zoom. Click here to join via Zoom.

Fellowship Class

Current Topic: The Book of Genesis

There are many beginnings in Genesis - creation, human life, sin and the 12 tribes of Israel for starters. There are many familiar people - Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Esau. Join us for this new study and perhaps your own new beginning.


The longest meeting adult Sunday School class at Yorkminster, the Fellowship class studies the Bible every week. We are a “read and discuss” group with four facilitators rotating in the leader’s chair. We use a textbook provided by David C. Cook publishers and highlight one or more books in each thirteen-week study. Occasionally we will stop the textbook studies for a few weeks and participate in a Lenten or Advent study. We encourage students to read the version of the Bible they like and often cite the differences in phrases and word used. Personal experiences spice up the classes as
both teachers and students share examples of Christian living. 

Meeting in Room 16


Disciple Class 
Current Topic: Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple

Dennis Allen is committed to developing disciples.  He was a Langley F-15 pilot, then a national and international business CEO, served in the leadership of startup, mid-size and mega churches and is an Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics alumnus.

Questions his book generates:   

  • Why are millennials leaving the church in droves? 

  • Why do pastors and staff members work themselves to exhaustion while most church members just warm the pews? 

  • Why do believers war with one another instead of pulling together? 

  • Why has society stopped listening to the concerns of Christians? 

  • Are we forging reproductive disciples or just multiplying 'Christianized' spectators?

Lean how we can Build Disciples with a study of "Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple."

Meeting in the Conference Room.

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