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Yorkminster Gardens

Jenny Russell Giving Garden
Named for the late YPC pastor Jenny Russell, who initiated this vision


Yorkminster plants a garden each year to provide fresh  produce Peninsula residents in need, through organizations such as the York County Food Closet and LINK. Anyone interested in helping can sign up to care for the garden for one (or more) week(s) from March through early December. By the beginning of your assigned week, you will be contacted by a member of the planning team to explain your duties and show you exactly what needs to be done—planting, weeding, watering, pest control, harvesting and delivery.



Pollinator Garden
Girl Scout Gold Project by Christine Gyure


Birds, bees, butterflies, wasps, and bats all have one important thing in common: they are pollinators! Their essential job is to transport pollen between plants of the same species, ensuring the reproductive activity of the plant. Pollinators are a critical component of the environment, as they contribute to food production, are a fundamental part of the food chain, and protect the role of plants as absorbers of carbon dioxide, air purifiers, and erosion-preventing coverage.


Unfortunately, recent years have seen an extreme decline in pollinator populations; Yorkminster’s own bees were struggling to find food, resulting in the forced relocation of multiple hives:

Bee hives.png

YPC’s bee hives in 2020, after three had to be removed


YPC’s bee hives in 2021, after one hive was returned.

The YPC Pollinator Garden, created in 2020 as a Girl Scout Gold Project by church member Christine Gyure, addresses this issue by planting and maintaining flowers native to Virginia. These plants provide more nectar to local honeybees, something that will draw local pollinators to the area and help them survive. With the help of YPC, these plants have grown and matured so that they can sustain the bee population and attract other pollinators, something that will make our community a healthier, more vibrant place.


Besides participating in the garden, what can you do at home to help the pollinators? The best answer to this question is to use native plants when landscaping your yards and gardens. Native plants help pollinators thrive and provide for a beautiful background. They are also easier to maintain than most plants, and they are comfortable with the local climate. By taking this measure, we can work as a church and as a community to promote the health and well-being of these amazing creatures!

"Pollinator Power!" video by garden creator Christine Gyure
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