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It is the ever-faithful stewardship of members and friends, with their time, talent and finances that enables us to fulfill our mission of serving Christ, sharing his love and growing in faith.

Commitment Season

In this Commitment Season we are looking at the biblical truth that we are created in God's image and therefore created for so much more than what our world often leads us to believe. Ultimately, this season provides an opportunity for us to think about how we offer back to God a portion of the countless blessings God offers to us, centered in our amazing partnership with Him! These are exciting times and we trust that God DOES have an amazing future filled with hope. 

Operating Fund

Giving to the Operating Fund provides for countless ministries and support operations at Yorkminster - worship, music, fellowship, children and youth, adult discipleships, and so much more. It also provides for ministries in our community and world, for missionaries that Yorkminster supports, and for ministry we share with others through the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia and the Presbyterian Church (USA). 


Opportunities to Serve

Yorkminster's future also depends on all of us being actively involved through the giving of our Time and Talents in addition to our Treasure. Explore some of the many opportunities to serve

Our mission, and commission, is to offer all a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ! We ask for you to prayerfully consider how you want to continue to serve our Lord with your gifts and do it cheerfully.


Pledge in-person, by mail or online.

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