Useful Links
There are many resources available for a variety of interests and needs. We hope these links prove useful for you.
Recovery Meetings
We host meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Al-Anon, and Al-Ateen in our church every Tuesday night at 8 p.m. The contact person is Mic at 757-660-4277.
Resources for Searching the Bible
Church Government
Local Organizations Offering Help
Lackey Clinic - A faith-based free health ministry that serves the physically, emotional and spiritual needs of the medically disadvantaged on the Peninsula.
Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center - Provides pastoral counseling, divorce therapy, mediation and educational services to individuals, couples, and families regardless of ability to pay.
PORT and LINK - LINK's services include an emergency services center, a food and clothing pantry, and a winter homeless shelter program. PORT offers a mentoring program, a life skills progam and a housing program.
York County Church Women United Food Closet - Located at St. Luke's Methodist Church, the Food Closet provides nonperishable food to needy residents of York County and Poquoson. It is open on Wednesdays from 12:30-5 p.m. Produce from Yorkminster's Jenny Russell Giving Garden is sent to the Food Closet weekly.
Sunday Schedule
Coffee Fellowship – Before/After Worship
Traditional Service – 10:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday School – 9:00 a.m.
PreK-5th Sunday School – 10:30 a.m.