What does an acolyte do?
Acolytes have a long history in the church. They perform the important function of bringing the light of God into the sanctuary at the beginning of each worship service and carrying the light of God out into the world at the end.
When can my child be an acolyte at Yorkminster?
Children grades 2 to 8 are encouraged to participate in this wonderful ministry. It's a great way for your child to experience taking a leadership role in the worship service.
What will my child need to do?
Arrive at least 10 minutes prior to worship
Put on a robe, sash and cross in the choir room
Pick up the candle lighter and keep track of it until worship begins. (One side of the tool contains a wax taper/wick, and the other side contains a snuffer.)
Wait for the head usher to light the wick during the prelude, then carry the flame down the center aisle.
Light both altar candles, extinguish the flame, and sit with the pastor and lay leader at the front of the church
Behave appropriately and participate in the worship services
On the next-to-last verse of the final hymn, relight the wick from the candles and then extinguish both flames, carrying the light back down the center aisle.
Return the acolyte attire and lighter to the choir room.
On their first day, your child will be shown what to do by an adult and/or current acolyte.
Interested in taking part?
Call the church office.
Sunday Schedule
Coffee Fellowship – Before/After Worship
Traditional Service – 10:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday School – 9:00 a.m.
PreK-5th Sunday School – 10:30 a.m.